Let’s face it, as much as we try to plan and control our life’s events, at the end of the day it is inevitable that the unexpected is going to occur. So, instead of allowing these situations to completely throw you off track, here are 5 great tips to help you win:

1. Keep your composure and take a deep breath!
When faced with life’s curve-balls, our initial reaction is to always react. When filled with anxiety and a sense of urgency, we can make rash decisions that may end up hurting us in the long run. So, I challenge you during your next “crisis” to not react but instead take a deep breath, gain your composure and digest it all. Allow yourself the time to sit with it – give yourself the speace and time to respond vs. reacting.

2. Just BE
It is so beneficial to be present in every moment, to be aware. Anticipating the future or wondering about the ‘what if’s’ and ‘shoulda, woulda, couldas’ of your past are only going to cause more anxiety; so work hard to stay in the moment.  Those that are certain of the outcome can afford to wait and wait without anxiety. How do you stay in the moment? Focus on your attention on your breath and how the ground feels underneath your feet for 5 minutes. It sounds funny, but it works.

3. BE Authentic
Anxiety can bring out the worst in all of us and it is during these challenging times that our true self is put to the test. Challenge yourself to maintain your integrity during these times. Maintain your authenticity and hold firm to your values. You will be glad you did in the long run!

4. Ask for help!
So many of us keep all of our thoughts/issues inside of us not wanting to burden any of our friends and family – but these are the times where it is most beneficial to reach out. Take advantage of the experiences and expertise of some of your loved ones. Not only will it help to have a listening ear but the guidance and support your loved ones can offer can be priceless. It is OK to ask for help!

5. Stay Optimistic!
Optimism isn’t an unrealistically positive view of a situation, it is a tendency to expect the best possible outcome or dwell on the most hopeful aspects of a situation. While it is natural to have some negative feelings when life’s unexpected happens, do your best to stay optimistic! Believe that down the road you will be able to look back on this experience and feel stronger because of it. There is a lesson to be learned in every experience so challenge yourself to uncover the lesson and grow stronger because of it.

Life is a beautiful thing and it is inevitable that there are going to be challenges on your journey. When these events happen, don’t turn to the candy bar in the corner, instead look inward and realize, you are stronger than you realize!

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