4 Week Keto

30-day challenges are a great way to work on your fitness. They give you an achievable short-term goal to keep you focused. And of all the 30-day challenges you might try, a squat challenge is one of the best.

That’s because the unweighted squat is a strong contender for one of the best bodyweight exercises you can do. It works almost every muscle in your lower body and improves your core strength by strengthening the muscles around your stomach and lower back.

The squat also builds functional strength by working your legs in a way that mimics everyday movements and sports. Squatting regularly will improve your power and speed, and increased resistance to injury.

It’s a big challenge, but you’ve got this!.

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How to Squat

  1. Start by standing with your feet hip-width apart, toes pointing forward, chin up and core braced.
  2. Hold your arms out in front of you or by your sides – just don’t put your hands on your legs, whatever you do.
  3. Lower yourself until your thighs are parallel to the ground – the best way to describe it is like sitting down on an invisible chair. Go lower if you can – as long as it doesn’t hurt (and you can keep your balance) you’re OK. If you’re not sure if you’re going low enough, try squatting onto a box that’s slightly lower than knee height. Each time your glutes make contact with it, that’s a legitimate rep.
  4. Stand back up and repeat.

The 30-Day Squat Challenge
Perform the prescribed amount of air squats each day. Try to do them all in one set, but if you do need to take a breather, try not to pause again for at least ten more reps. It’ll be tough, it’ll burn, but you’ll have buns of almost literal steel by the end of it.

Day 150
Day 255
Day 360
Day 4Rest
Day 570
Day 675
Day 780
Day 8Rest
Day 9100
Day 10105
Day 11110
Day 12Rest
Day 13130
Day 14135
Day 15140
Day 16Rest
Day 17150
Day 18155
Day 19160
Day 20Rest
Day 21180
Day 22185
Day 23190
Day 24Rest
Day 25220
Day 26225
Day 27230
Day 28Rest
Day 29240
Day 30250
The 30 day squat challenge calendar

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