You control your own happiness. And chances are you’d never let anyone talk to you the way you talk to yourself when you’re at a low point.

Positive self-talk is key to a happier you and a better sense of overall well-being. Positive self-talk is also very important if you’re on a health and wellness journey. It will help you reach your goals and will make you much more likely to recognize and celebrate all the progress you’re making toward your goals..

Recognize Your Inner Critic

Learning to recognize your inner critic is an essential element of saying no to negative self-talk. The next time you start criticizing yourself, ask yourself “Is this something I would say to my best friend or my child?” If it’s not something you’d say to those you care about, then it’s not something you should say to yourself!

Feelings Aren’t Facts

One of the easiest ways to say no to negative self-talk is to remember that your feelings aren’t facts. Just because you feel like you can’t do something doesn’t mean you can’t. Everything from your mood and biases to other people’s perceptions influences your feelings. The next time your inner me makes you feel like you can’t do something or aren’t good enough, stop and ask yourself “Is this a feeling or a fact?” as a quick, on-the-go reality check.

Set Aside a Period of Self-Reflection

Your inner me isn’t all bad. Self-reflection, when used constructively, is crucial to self-awareness and can strengthen your emotional intelligence. It can also increase your self-confidence and help you achieve goals. This is why it’s best to set aside a period of time each day for self-reflection. During this time, listen to your inner me, but make sure to cross-examine your thoughts by performing those reality checks. This will help you decipher the negative talk from the positive talk.

Replace the Negative With a Positive

The best way to say no to negative self talk is to replace the negative thoughts with positive ones. When your inner critic says “I’ll never run a full five miles on the treadmill,” replace the thought with “I’m so happy I’m running two miles on the treadmill. My hard work is really paying off.”


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    Stop the Negative Self Talk



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